
atanazy 28.12.2024 16:51
2:18b Insisting on Self-Abasement and Worship of Angels
Angel Worship a Jewish Apostasy. Origen: You will find particularly in Jeremiah that the word of God through the prophet finds fault with Israel because they worship these [i.e., angels] and sacrifice to the queen of heaven and to all the host of heaven.13187 … Paul, who received a meticulous education in Jewish doctrines and later became a Christian as a result of a miraculous appearance of Jesus, says these words in the epistle to the Colossians: “Let no man rob you.” Against Celsus 5.8.13198
The Heart of the Matter. Chrysostom: But what is the general drift of Paul’s words? There are some who maintain that we must be brought near by angels, not by Christ; for Christ to do so would seem too great an act on our behalf. Paul continually emphasizes what has been done by Christ. Homilies on Colossians 7.13209
Theodore of Mopsuestia: Because it was said that the law had been given through angels—since it was by these ministers that the law was given at that time—the blessed Paul himself had said, “For if the message declared by angels was valid.”23210 They, therefore, who were arguing with them to keep the law were also taking the position that the angels were angered if the law were not being kept. Commentary on Colossians.23221
Theodoret of Cyr: Those who defend the law lead persons to worship angels, since they say that the law was given through them. This vice persisted for a long time in Phrygia and Pisidia, such that a synod gathered at Laodicea in Phrygia laid down a law that angels should not be invoked.23232 Interpretation of the Letter to the Colossians.23243
Severian of Gabala: What is self-abasement? Saying that we are self-abased [can only mean] that God is great and far above any service we can render to him. Since, then, we cannot get near him, it is through his angels that propitiation comes and we may draw near him. For this reason he spoke
earlier of one “who is the head of every power and principality.” And now he says, “Why do you come to elements and angels, having renounced their head, who is Christ?”23254 Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.23265
False Claims. Augustine: There is another even more obscure passage about which I ask you to pull me up out of deep water and set me in the shallows. In the epistle to the Colossians, I simply cannot see the connection where he says: “Let no man seduce you into taking pleasure in the humility and religion of angels, walking in the things which he has not seen; in vain puffed up by the sense of his flesh and not holding the head.” What angels does he mean? If he means the rebel and wicked angels, what is their religion or their humility, or who is the master of this seduction, who under cover of some angelic religion or other would teach what he does not see as something seen or experienced? Doubtless, the heretics, who follow the teachings of demons, who think up false systems under the impulse of their spirit, who give out that they have seen visions which they have not seen and by their deadly arguments sow their seed in foolish and credulous hearts—doubtless, these are the ones who do not hold the head, namely, Christ, the source of truth. Letters
Kanon 35
Chrześcijanom nie wolno opuszczać Kościoła Bożego i odchodzić, wzywać aniołów i tworzyć zgromadzeń, co jest zabronione. Jeśli więc ktokolwiek zostanie zaangażowany w to ukryte bałwochwalstwo, niech będzie przeklęty; bo opuścił naszego Pana Jezusa Chrystusa, Syna Bożego, i przeszedł do bałwochwalstwa.
- Kanony Synodu w Laodycei z 364 roku
8. Skoro więc dowiedliśmy, że Celsus w zamieszaniu źle zrozumiał nie-
które fragmenty Pisma, wypada, abyśmy wedle swych sił wyjaśnili i udo-
wodnili, że wbrew poglądowi Celsusa, jakoby Żydzi mieli zwyczaj kłaniać
się niebu i aniołom niebieskim, postępowanie takie nie jest żydowskim
zwyczajem, lecz przeciwnie, że w judaizmie uchodzi ono za zbrodnię tak
samo jak składanie pokłonów słońcu, księżycowi, gwiazdom i posągom.
Można bowiem znaleźć, zwłaszcza u Jeremiasza 18, gniewne słowa Boga
przesłane za pośrednictwem proroka do ludu żydowskiego, który kłaniał
się właśnie gwiazdom i składał ofiary królowej nieba i całemu wojsku
niebieskiemu. Również i pisma chrześcijańskie oskarżając grzeszników ży-
dowskich powiadają, że gdy Bóg opuścił ten lud z powodu jakichś grze-
chów, stawiał im ten właśnie zarzut. W Dziejach Apostolskich tak bowiem
napisano o Żydach: „Ale Bóg odwrócił się od nich i dozwolił, że czcili
wojsko niebieskie, jak napisano w księdze proroków: «Czy składaliście mi
ofiary i dary na pustyni przez lat czterdzieści, domu Izraela? Obnosiliście
raczej namiot Molocha i gwiazdę bożka waszego Remfana, posągi, które
zrobiliście, aby im cześć oddawać»" 19. Paweł zaś, starannie wykształcony
w naukach żydowskich, a dzięki cudownemu widzeniu Chrystusa nawró-
cony na wiarę chrześcijańską, tak pisze w liście do Kolosan: „Niechaj was
nikt nie odsądza od nagrody zamiłowany w uniżaniu siebie i przesadnej
czci aniołów zgłębiając to, co ujrzał. Taki, nadęty bez powodu zmysłowym
swym sposobem myślenia, nie trzyma się mocno głowy, z której całe ciało
zaopatrywane i utrzymywane w całości wiążącym połączeniem członków
rośnie Bożym wzrostem" 20.
Nie wiadomo zatem skąd, nie znając i nie badając tych słów, wymyślił
Celsus, że Żydzi pogwałciwszy Prawo kłaniają się niebu i aniołom nie-
θρησκεία -
In the New Testament, "thréskeia" refers to the outward expression of religious devotion, including rituals, ceremonies, and acts of worship. It emphasizes the external aspects of religious practice rather than the internal faith or belief system. The term can carry both positive and negative connotations, depending on the context, highlighting either genuine devotion or mere ritualism.

atanazy 28.12.2024 17:06
22:9 “Worship God!”
Now Is the Time for Patience and Obedience. Cyprian: This is the Judge and the Avenger, beloved brothers, that we are to await who, when he revenges himself, is destined to revenge us, the people of his church, and the number of all the just from the beginning of the world. Let him who hastens and hurries too much to his own revenge consider that he alone who avenges has not yet avenged himself.… In the Apocalypse, when John wishes to adore him, the angel resists him and says, “You must not do this because I am a fellow servant of you and of your brothers. Adore Jesus the Lord.” How wonderful then is Jesus our Lord, and what great patience this is that he who is adored in heaven is not yet avenged on earth! Let us think of his patience, beloved brothers, in our persecutions and sufferings. Let us show the full obedience that is inspired by our expectation of his coming, and let us not hasten with the impious and shameless haste of a servant to defend ourselves before the Lord. Let us rather persevere and let us labor, and [let us] be watchful with all our heart and steadfast even to total resignation; let us guard the precepts of the Lord, so that when the day of wrath and vengeance comes, we may not be punished with the impious and sinners but may be honored with the just and those who fear God. The Good of Patience 24.32194
Worship Is Owed to God Alone. Athanasius: The Father shows [the Son] to be his own proper and only Son, saying, “You are my Son,”32205 and “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”32216 Accordingly the angels ministered to him, as being one beyond themselves; and they worship him, not as being greater in glory but as being some one beyond all the creatures, and beyond themselves, and alone the Father’s proper Son according to essence. For if he was worshiped as excelling them in glory, each of the things subservient ought to worship what excels itself. But this is
not the case; for creature does not worship creature, but servant [worships the] Lord, and creature God. Thus Peter the apostle hinders Cornelius, who would worship him, saying, “I myself also am a man.”32227 And an angel, when John would worship him in the Apocalypse, hinders him, saying, “See that you do not do it; … worship God.” Therefore, to God alone appertains worship, and this the very angels know, that though they excel other beings in glory, yet they are all creatures and not to be worshiped but worship the Lord. Discourses Against the Arians 2.23.32238
Nothing Is Equal to the Creator. Apringius of Beja: Since there is no pride in the servant nor any vanity in the saints, [the angel] immediately exhorts him [not to worship him].… The angel proclaims that nothing is equal to the Creator, and he declares that nothing can be offered to another that is owed to the Lord God only. Tractate on the Apocalypse 22:9.32249
The Piety of the Angel Is Revealed. Andrew of Caesarea: He shows the piety of the angel who has described and interpreted the vision, indicating that [the angel] would not allow himself to be worshiped by a fellow servant. Rather, with a good conscience we are to give homage to [our] common Lord. Commentary on the Apocalypse 22:8–9.132250

atanazy 30.12.2024 18:39
Kolosan 2:18
Dzieje 10:26
Objawienia 22:9
Objawienia 19:10 (edited)

atanazy 30.12.2024 18:51
19:10 “Worship God”
We Honor Angels with Love. Augustine: The lowest person must worship the same God as is worshiped by the highest angel. In fact it is by refusing to worship him that human nature has been brought low. The source of wisdom and of truth is the same for angel and humankind, namely, the one unchangeable Wisdom and Truth. The very Virtue and changeless Wisdom of God who is consubstantial and coeternal with the Father, for our salvation deigned, in the temporal dispensation, to take upon himself our nature in order to teach us that humanity must worship what every rational intellectual creature must also worship. Let us believe that the highest angels and most excellent ministers of God want us to join them in the worship of the one God, in contemplation of whom they find their happiness. Even we are not made happy by seeing an angel but by seeing the Truth, by which we love the angels too and rejoice with them. We do not grudge that they should have readier access to the Truth and enjoy him without obstacle. Rather, we love them because we are bidden by our common Lord to hope for the same condition hereafter. So we honor them with love but not with divine worship. We do not build temples for them. They do not wish to be honored by us in that way, because they know that when we are good people we are ourselves the temples of the most high God. Of True Religion 110.224303
Truth, Judgment and Justice. Apringius of Beja: When the royal commands of God were heard, he fell down to worship him who was speaking with him. However, to respect the nature of his own office and to show that God is above all things, he prohibited this, saying, “Do not do this, because I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold the testimony of Jesus.” The testimony of Jesus is the true profession of the catholic confession. “For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.” The Spirit of prophecy is truth and
judgment and justice, which in their fullness are contained in the catholic faith. Tractate on the Apocalypse 19:9–10.224314
The Greeks Regard as Divine Those Demons They Have Assigned to the Nations. Oecumenius: The [pagan] Greeks, though accursed and hated by God, heard of the teaching given in our prophecies that by the good will of God the holy angels protect the nations and the churches and every individual.… Since [the Greeks] have heard that such things were being taught by us, they say to us, “Since you claim the same things as we do, O people, why do you find fault with the teaching that we advance concerning the gods that rule over the nations? For those whom you call angels we call gods, so that we differ only in the use of the names but not in the substance of the matter. But since you also call the order of angels gods, there is no difference with us even in regard to the use of names.”
To such persons one must say the following: “O you accursed people. You worship the works of your own hands and until very recently have established for yourselves gods with whom you associated for every vile purpose. You have purloined most of our divine teachings and adding these to your own destructive teachings, you have made a grand mixture of them. But since you use your own mind as guide and not God, you have not been able to maintain the nobility of our teachings in every regard. Rather, although you followed him for a short while, somewhere at the beginning of things, you suffered shipwreck. There is, therefore, nothing in common between us and you, just as there is nothing in common between light and darkness or between Christ and Beliar, as it is written.224325 Assuming the gods, or rather the unclean demons, to be the rulers of the nations, you bring yourselves into league with them, ascribing reverence to them and wishing to worship them as gods.
Moreover, [these demons] are regarded by you as divine, while no mention is made of that God who has ordered all things for the providential care of humankind, these rather governing the
nations by their own counsel, as they themselves wish. Therefore, you have assigned to Ares224336 the most savage and bloodthirsty Scythians and Germans, who became such since they were ruled by that murderous plague of man, Ares. But you assigned the Greeks, because of their understanding, to Athena,224347 since from her they received understanding as their lot. And you assigned other peoples to other gods, each of the gods training the nations according to their own passions.”
When the evangelist wished to worship the holy angel, … [the angel] says, “See that you do not do this! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold the testimony of Jesus.” The exclamation “See!” is not simply the cry of someone who wishes temporarily to hinder something but of someone who wants to prevent something altogether. He calls himself a “fellow servant” with all of those who confess themselves to be servants of Christ and who testify that he is God incarnate. What, then, is to be done, O most holy angel, since you forbid yourself to be worshiped? “Worship God!” he says, “for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” This is as though he had said, “Do you seek to worship me, since I announced to you ahead of time what was to take place? Whoever witnesses to the lordship and deity of Christ is filled with the prophetic grace, not I alone. Why therefore, he says, do you worship that grace which I have in equal measure with my fellow servants? Are the things which the Greeks think about the rulers of the nations really the same as what the Christians say about the holy angels?” Commentary on the Apocalypse 19:10.224358
Every Work of the Spirit Is a Testimony to Jesus Christ. Primasius: Indeed, the whole point of prophecy and of the sanctifying work of the Spirit lies in the testimony of Jesus Christ, whom the entire law and all prophecy serve [as though slaves]. For this reason, when he manifested himself on the mountain between Moses and Elijah, his face and his clothing were resplendent with his brightness, and he declared that the law and the prophets had truly testified of him. And so, whatever they had foretold, he himself testifies that it serves Christ and the church, for he said of Moses, “For he wrote of me.”224369 And when he had risen from the dead, he said, “Everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled.”324370 Commentary on the Apocalypse 19:10.324381
The Holy Angels Are of Humble Disposition. Andrew of Caesarea: “Do not worship me as one who is foretelling the future,” the holy angel says. For the confession of Christ, that is, the testimony is the gift of the prophetic Spirit. And you should note also this. The prophecy [is given] for this reason, so that the testimony of Christ may be made strong and the faith be given witness by the saints. Therefore, do not pay homage to me, as fellow servant, but to him who possesses power over all things. From this passage we also learn of the humble disposition of the holy angels, for they do not claim for themselves divine glory as do the evil demons but ascribe this glory to the Lord. May it be that we “outdo one another” with a humble mind,324392 thus fulfilling the saying of the Lord: “Learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”324403 And may we receive rest in the coming age, where “sorrow and pain and groaning have fled,”324414 and where the dwelling is of all who rejoice and gaze upon the light of the face of Christ our God,324425 to whom every song of praise, honor and worship be given, together with the Father and the life-giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen. Commentary on the Apocalypse 19:10.324436

atanazy 06.01.2025 10:37
św. Tomasz Kol 2:18
123. Powiada więc: Niechaj was nikt nie uwodzi, mianowicie odwodząc od prawdy, którą wam oznajmiłem. Ef 5,6: niechaj was nikt nie uwodzi próżnymi słowami.
Świętość zaś polega na dwóch rzeczach: na pokornym sposobie życia i kulcie Boga. Ci zaś okazywali pokorny sposób życia, skoro zdawało się, że nie dbają o rzeczy świata. I dlatego powiada: przez upokarzanie się. Syr 19,26: jest taki, który się złośliwie upokarza, a wnętrzności jego pełne są zdrady. Mówili także, że głoszą, aby oddać cześć Bogu. I dlatego mówi: i religii aniołów. Religia bowiem, według Cycerona, to sprawowanie kultu i obrzędów odnoszących się do jakiejś natury, którą nazywa się boską. 2 Tm 3,5: mający wprawdzie pozór pobożności, lecz jej mocy się wyrzekają. (edited)

W greckiej wersji (punkt γ’) czytamy:
„Εἴ τις οὐκ ἀσπάζεται ταύτας, εἰς ὄνομα τοῦ κυρίου οὔσας καὶ τῶν ἁγίων αὐτοῦ, ἀνάθεμα ἔστω.”
ἀσπάζεται – „przyjmuje” lub „akceptuje”
To tłumaczy się jako:
„Jeśli ktoś nie pozdrawia [nie przyjmuje] tych rzeczy [ikon], które są w imieniu Pana i Jego świętych – niech będzie przeklęty.”
Natomiast w łacińskiej wersji (punkt III):
„Si quis eas non salutat, cum sint in nomine Domini et sanctorum eius, a(nathema) s(it).”
„Jeśli ktoś nie oddaje czci tym [ikon], uczynionym w imieniu Pana i Jego świętych – niech będzie wyłączony (przeklęty).”
"III. Jeżeli ktoś nie oddaje czci tym obrazom, uczynionym w imieniu Pana
i Jego świętych – niech będzie wyłączony."

atanazy 15.01.2025 19:32
14. Τούτων οὕτως ἐχόντων, τὴν βασιλικὴν ὥσπερ ἐρχόμενοι τρίβον,
ἐπακολουθοῦντες τῇ θεηγόρῳ διδασκαλίᾳ τῶν ἁγίων πατέρων ἡμῶν,
καὶ τῇ παραδόσει τῆς καθολικῆς ἐκκλησίας, τοῦ γὰρ ἐν αὐτῇ οἰκήσαντος
ἁγίου πνεύματος είναι ταύτην γινώσκομεν, ὁρίζομεν σὺν ἀκριβείᾳ
πάσῃ καὶ ἐμμελείᾳ παραπλησίως τῷ τύπῳ τοῦ τιμίου καὶ ζωοποιοῦ
σταυροῦ ἀνατίθεσθαι τὰς σεπτὰς καὶ ἁγίας εἰκόνας, τὰς ἐκ χρωμάτων
καὶ ψηφῖδος καὶ ἑτέρας ὕλης ἐπιτηδείως ἐχούσης ἐν ταῖς ἁγίαις τοῦ
θεοῦ ἐκκλησίαις, ἐν ἱεροῖς σκεύεσι καὶ ἐσθῆσι, τοίχοις τε καὶ σανίσιν,
οἴκοις τε καὶ ὁδοῖς·

atanazy 16.01.2025 17:37
Canon 35
Christians must not forsake the Church of God, and go away and invoke angels and gather assemblies, which things are forbidden. If, therefore, any one shall be found engaged in this covert idolatry, let him be anathema; for he has forsaken our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and has gone over to idolatry.
It should be noted that some Latin versions of great authority and antiquity read angulos for angelos. This would refer to doing these idolatrous rites in corners, hiddenly, secretly, occulte as in the Latin. But this reading, though so respectable in the Latin, has no Greek authority for it.
This canon has often been used in controversy as condemning the cultus which the Catholic Church has always given to the angels, but those who would make such a use of this canon should explain how these interpretations can be consistent with the cultus of the Martyrs so evidently approved by the same council; and how this canon came to be accepted by the Fathers of the Second Council of Nicaea, if it condemned the then universal practice of the Church, East and West. Cf. Forbes, Considerationes Modestæ. (edited)

atanazy 12.02.2025 22:00
W Arce Przymierza zamieszkiwał sam Bóg, nie masz niczego co jest jej odpowiednikiem ani jej samej; wobec żadnego wizerunku który został stworzony nie było legalnym praktykować żadnego kultu; Nehusztan wąż mosiężny został zniszczony gdy stał się obiektem weneracji religijnej.

atanazy 13.02.2025 21:46
Trydent: II. Wzywanie, cześć i relikwie świętych oraz święte obrazy
[5] Obrazy Chrystusa, Bożej Rodzicielki oraz innych świętych należy posiadać i zachowywać
zwłaszcza w świątyniach, i oddawać im należną cześć i uszanowanie, nie dlatego by
wierzono, że tkwi w nich jakieś bóstwo czy moc, ze względu na które miałyby być czczone;
lub że można ich o coś prosić; lub że należy pokładać nadzieję w obrazach, jak niegdyś
czynili poganie, którzy swą nadzieję pokładali w bożkach, ale dlatego, że okazywany im
honor odnosi się do wzoru, który przedstawiają. W ten sposób przez obrazy, gdy je całujemy,
odkrywamy przed nimi głowę i klękamy, adorujemy Chrystusa i czcimy świętych, których
one noszą podobizny. Zatwierdziły to sobory, zwłaszcza Sobór Nicejski II przeciwko
obrazoburcom. (edited)
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